I know I beat a dead horse about how BUSY I am and I know that every working mother is busy. I enjoy this blog and I really like to "journal" this way so I can keep track of the "Kaitlinisms" that I would forget otherwise and have a written account of the day to day things that make up our life. That is the goal, but sometimes, reality takes over and I choose laundry and lunches over blogging - it just seems to always be the first thing to take the back burner, because basically no one is losing sleep if I blog or not.
With that said I have about 10 draft blog posts from this summer that I started and never finished or didn't take the time to download the photos off the camera and size them and link to the blog....leaving many things unsaid that I wanted to remember and journal. My goal is to print this blog in book form once a year as a keepsake.
So if you wonder why I am just now posting about something that happened in June (like T-Ball!) now you know, I am finishing my "to do list" because unlike so many of the other things in my life that I have no control over - since this is MY blog - I can write a blog post in October and go back and post it on my blog in June ;) Wish there were more things in life like that! If you want to read some of the posts, click on the following links:
Waller County Fair Relay 9/24/11
Boycotting Chicken of the Sea 9/6/11
Why God Made Mothers 8/13/11
Going to Schliterbahn 8/1/11
Swingin' Like Tarzan on the Frio 7/31/11
PandaMANIA!!! 7/29/11
Ode to Papas 6/19/11
In Memory of Gracie 6/13/11
Diamond Divas 5/31/11
Sayanara Fields Store PTO 5/16/11
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