Monday, May 16, 2011

Sayanara Fields Store PTO

These are some very special ladies that I fondly refer to as my Waller Mommy friends.  Most of whom are friends I made from the Fields Store PTO.  I love the PTO and I love how hard this group of Mamas works for the benefit of our children.  We hold annual fundraisers to make the school and our kids' education the best it can be.  Over the years we have bought new playground equipment, school supplies, books for the library, music & science supplies, and this last year we bought a very nice digital marqee sign for the school to display public notices, school messages, etc.  This year we raised funds to install a fence around the children's playground. 

After two years on the PTO - I got sick and I  promised Billy and my Mom that I would cut back some and make more time for me.  I had to pick between PTO and church and since there are more Mothers to help with PTO and less for our small growing church - I decided to take a leave of absence from the PTO until Kaitlin's last year in elementary when I will help one last time. 

I will miss our fun meetings and getting to visit with all these amazing Moms, but they promise to keep in touch and even though I will not be an active member - I will still volunteer when I have time and it will be nice to be able to do it when I want to help and not because I have to . 

Thanks for ALL you do Fields Store Elementary PTO - Carry on!

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