Friday, July 29, 2011


I LOVE Vacation Bible School.  When we started attending ours at New Hope UMC when Kaitlin was just 3 - I can still remember leaving in tears that year because she was such a "pill" at the age of 3 and I could not reason with her during the lessons.  Kaitlin has grown to love VBS as much if not more than I do.  I have become very involved over the years and normally handle the decorations and outreach for the summer event. 

This year we chose Pandamania and I have to say it was our best VBS ever!  We turned our little church into a Chinese bamboo forest!  The best part was that we had our best turn-out in the history of our VBS - we had over 40 children attend and they all seemed to really enjoy it.  That is a lot considering our regular Sunday School attendance is around 10 children each Sunday. 

This year our pastor, Rev Kevin Gilmore, decided that we would raise money for fire victims by having the kids bring coins for eithe him or me and whoever's jar was the fullest got to slam a pie in the other's face.  (Luckily I won!)

I can't think of anything better than VBS - the faith of a child is immeasurable and so immense - I love teaching them how MUCH God loves them!

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