Thursday, July 14, 2011

Letters from Camp

Kaitlin went to summer camp for the first time this week.  We spent the day before she left girl-bonding: lunch, pedicures, and a movie with Grammy.  We hugged a thousand times if we hugged once, trying to "store up" enough hugs to last us both for the week she would be away from home.

Even though I work in the offices there, I try not to abuse that priveledge and I do not go in the campsites.  It makes the other kids homesick if they see another kid hugging their Mom.  I have been to canteen twice this week to check on her, my neice, and a few other kids that I know that went this same week.  She is loving camp but does seem to be getting a little homesick, but mostly just at night.  I got this letter today:

Translation:  " I miss you alot! and I cride myself to sleep really quiet. and I really liked the gifts they are fun.  and Im having fun to. and I have sumthing for you to in the invlope! :)
(Heart) Kaitlin

My "gifts" were a white rock that she found and a butterfly she drew with two hearts.

I went to canteen today for the second time & when she saw me coming her face lit up, we stepped inside the canteen where no one could see us and we hugged and hugged!  I think I can make it until Saturday morning now.  She is loving camp and I am so grateful for this amazing experience for her. I am grateful for such an AMAZING camp staff that not only love the children they serve, they share their love of Christ with them every day. 
More camp photos to come....

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