Saturday, November 5, 2011

All things Great & Small

Look close to see Spike & Cheetah the Mediterranean Geckos
Our church had a blessing of the animals this week.  We have never had this since we started attending and anyone who knows me knows how MUCH I love my animals!  No one loves animals more than me except perhaps, Kaitlin....the apple does not fall far from the tree.  Our pastor, the awesome, Rev Kev, said there were no limitations on animals as long as they did not bite.  My dilemma was more about how to get all of my critters
in one vehicle!

Sweet Sassy

and Scooby Doo!

Chunky her dwarf frog

The best part of the entire day was when we were going home I was talking to Kaitlin about how special it was bringing our pets to church and she said, "Mommy, you know that bowl of water Sassy was drinking from, I thought that was the baptising water she was drinking!" .....Yes, I almost wet my pants laughing!!!

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