Kaitlin'isms' (Funny Kid Stuff)

Mom, I think _____ has a crush on me in my class." " Why honey?"  Because the teacher asked him to pass out paper & start at table 1 and he came straight to me & started with me and I sit at table #3!  Plus, he sat by me at lunch & played with me at recess."

Mom, will we be home before 8/7 central time tonight? 

Mom - on iCarly she went to the dentist and got some of that "laughy gas"

Night before swimming lessons:  "Mommy, I really need to learn to swim because when I get good at swimming, I want to go to Schlitterbahn, but I have to know how to swim because those big slides make you go under the water at the end....and I mean I can't wear a life jacket for that...you can only wear floaties for so long....I mean you can't wear them until you are 80!"

When she was helping me change her sheets - I sprayed them with my clean cotton linen spray and she filled her lungs with the smell and said, "Mommy this smells just like Mrs Dorothy...no wait, it smells like Mrs. Inez!" - both are older ladies that we go to our church whom she ADORES!

"What did Minnie do when Mickey was drowning?  She gave him MOUSE-TO-MOUSE!" 6-4-11

"Mommy did you know that each Brownie has a job or chore to do on our camping trip & guess what I have to do?  I have to clean the potties."  "Really?  Well I'm sure that everyone has to Kaitlin."  "No, Mommy, Carla gets to cook, and I have to clean the potties....I can't believe I got stuck with POOP PATROL." ....Side note - Billy laughed harder than I have heard him laugh in a while!  4-28-11

How was school today - "Good Mommy, we played electricity tag at recess."  What is that? "When I go down the slide with my hair on the metal to get lots of electricity in my hair & then whoever I tag & shock has to stop & freeze!"

Me:  Why do you think he (to remain annonymous) likes you?
Kaitlin: Because Mommy, at recess when I am playing basketball with the other kids, "He" jumps in front of the ball so it won't hit me.

After bedtime prayers we say "special Prayers" to God.  Tonight's special prayer went something like this, "...and God, please don't let Iggy bite the teachers at the Valentine's Kiss a Pig event, I really don't want to get kicked out of school because he bites a teacher!  Really this is VERY important so I hope you get this right." 2-1-2011

"Mom if you are going to give any announcements in church, you might want to wipe that lipstick off your teeth first."   1-16-2011

"Uncle Mike said to put some of that 'chicken hay' in the dog house"  Translation = shavings :)  1-17-2011

"Does Papa C have a wooden flute I can take to school because we are learning about music from the stone ages."  1-19-2011

"I love it when I get to come in to get you at work...I feel like a captain when I am looking for you"  Does this mean I am her "treasure?" :) 1-26-2011

Kaitlin tugged on Billy's goatee and said Daddy you are a Billy Goat and then she moved his goatee and said Baaaaaaaaaa.  Get it Daddy, "Billy" Goat!  Mommy almost spit her drink out laughing! 1-27-2011