Saturday, November 5, 2011

All things Great & Small

Look close to see Spike & Cheetah the Mediterranean Geckos
Our church had a blessing of the animals this week.  We have never had this since we started attending and anyone who knows me knows how MUCH I love my animals!  No one loves animals more than me except perhaps, Kaitlin....the apple does not fall far from the tree.  Our pastor, the awesome, Rev Kev, said there were no limitations on animals as long as they did not bite.  My dilemma was more about how to get all of my critters
in one vehicle!

Sweet Sassy

and Scooby Doo!

Chunky her dwarf frog

The best part of the entire day was when we were going home I was talking to Kaitlin about how special it was bringing our pets to church and she said, "Mommy, you know that bowl of water Sassy was drinking from, I thought that was the baptising water she was drinking!" .....Yes, I almost wet my pants laughing!!!

Rewinding a Blog - Don't you wish you could rewind life?

I know I beat a dead horse about how BUSY I am and I know that every working mother is busy.   I enjoy this blog and I really like to "journal" this way so I can keep track of the "Kaitlinisms" that I would forget otherwise and have a written account of the day to day things that make up our life.  That is the goal, but sometimes, reality takes over and I choose laundry and lunches over blogging - it just seems to always be the first thing to take the back burner, because basically no one is losing sleep if I blog or not.  

With that said I have about 10 draft blog posts from this summer that I started and never finished or didn't take the time to download the photos off the camera and size them and link to the blog....leaving many things unsaid that I wanted to remember and journal.  My goal is to print this blog in book form once a year as a keepsake.  

So if you wonder why I am just now posting about something that happened in June (like T-Ball!) now you know, I am finishing my "to do list" because unlike so many of the other things in my life that I have no control over - since this is MY blog - I can write a blog post in October and go back and post it on my blog in June ;)  Wish there were more things in life like that!  If you want to read some of the posts, click on the following links:

Waller County Fair Relay 9/24/11

Boycotting Chicken of the Sea 9/6/11

Why God Made Mothers 8/13/11

Going to Schliterbahn 8/1/11

Swingin' Like Tarzan on the Frio 7/31/11

PandaMANIA!!! 7/29/11

Ode to Papas 6/19/11

In Memory of Gracie 6/13/11

Diamond Divas 5/31/11

Sayanara Fields Store PTO 5/16/11

Monday, October 17, 2011

Double Digits to Disney :)

In 30 days, I will be having dinner here in Cinderella's Castle with my two favorite girls:  Mom and Kaitlin, the latter of whom will be decked out princess style after her makeover at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique before dinner....I can not WAIT - every time a Walt Disney commercial "What would you do if you had ONE more day?" comes on I squeal and scare Billy and Kaitlin half to death!  

The other night after saying our prayers we were talking about the trip and Kaitlin informed me that SHE was more excited about the trip because after all she is a kid and it makes more sense for her to be excited.  I then explained to her that when I got cancer, one of my first thoughts was all the things I might not get to do with her and Disney was at the top of my list.  So yes, I will admit without shame, that I have two suitcases already 1/2 packed on the guest room bed!  Life is so SWEET!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Waller County Fair Relay

Kaitlin and I walked our first relay today.  Not very far, but very fun and it benefitted a great cause - all proceeds from the relay supported the American Cancer Fund.  The race was prior to the Waller County Fair parade in Hempstead.  There is something about walking in honor of those who can't or those who love them.  I feel stronger and healthier than I have in years - and for that I am blessed beyond measure.  
I hope this is the first of many relays.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Boycotting Chicken of the Sea!

In case you have forgotten, a 3rd grader's lunch is a big deal.  Kaitlin loves tuna - plain, no mayo, no pickles, etc. (YUK!) but that is how she took it in 2nd grade when she took tuna cups in her lunch.  This week, I asked her if she wanted to buy her lunch or take a tuna cup in her lunch.  She picked the tuna cup. 

When I got home from work, she was really upset and told me she could "NEVER take tuna to school again!"  When I asked why, she proceeded to explain that all kids made fun of her and told her she was eating CAT FOOD (it does look like the same cups with the pull off top!) and that it stunk and they all got up and moved to another table and they left her all by herself! I knew it must have been pretty traumatic as giant crocodile tears welled up in her eyes :(

She begged me to come to school for lunch today….I told her we would see and then I forgot that we put my car in the shop this am….so at the last minute, I borrowed a co-worker's car, grabbed 2 chicken sandwiches from the kitchen at work, 2 bags of doritos, and ran out the door to make in time for her lunch break.

She was BEAMING when she saw me walk in…I love being a Mom! She was so sweet, I told her to go get us a drink, so she came back from the line with 2 milks, and two itty bitty salads with ranch so we could be healthy – she loves the school’s salad – lol.

Needless to say, the only tunafish she will probably eat until she is 18 will now be consumed secretly in the confines of our home.