Monday, February 21, 2011

Lover Boy

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After bringing baby Iggy the Piggy home from Canton, I had a weak moment at a PTO meeting in December when they asked if I would bring Iggy to the annual "Kiss A Pig" contest that the school has every year. The kids buy kisses for 10 cents each (or a boxtop) for 2 weeks and the teacher in each grade/department with the most kisses has to kiss a pig. Of course it seemed like no big deal at the time - we were still bottle feeding him & he was so cute & cuddly. Why not?!

Fast forward two months to a very musky smelling male boar who likes to flaunt his "manhood" whenever he pleases! As we were driving to the school, I asked my dear husband how I always get into situations like this & like a typical male...he replied that I cannot say "no" and that I don't know when to quit. When will men learn?! Geeze - all I really wanted to hear was,"Because you are super Mom and you know how excited Kaitlin will be to see her pig on stage. It will be ok honey, Iggy won't embarrass you. The kids will love this - you are making memories. You love to help & that is why I love you!" If only God could have given men better intuition - it really would make the world a more harmonious place.

After squeeling in on two hooves, Iggy settled down and I placed him in his bed on the table. I swear when the curtain opened he knew he was performing...I now know where the term "hamming it up" originated. He puckered up for 17 kisses and even licked the cherry chapstick off one teacher!  I was such a proud farmer today :)

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