Friday, February 4, 2011

Texas Snow Day

Only in Texas do the schools close when we get in the 20's and have a light snow....I know you northerners have a lot of laughs at our expense!  But we are just not conditioned for this type of weather...not our homes, our cars, or our roads. 

Kaitlin had a "SNOW day" and no school today, so Mommy decided to stay home & play in it with her.  We scrounged up every little bit we could to make this stylish little snowgirl:

Yes, those are kalamatta olive eyes, a chery tomato mouth, caper buttons, and a baby carrot nose!

Not much snow, but still VERY cold in Fields Store, poor donkeys had icicles hanging from their ears this morning....

Peaches, Daisy, and Goldie are grateful that we do not have snow often since our barn is a hay barn and not a donkey barn :(

They are happy girls though to have lots of hay & tons of carrot treats when it snows!

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