Thursday, April 28, 2011

8 Years in the Making - Happy Birthday Kaitlin!

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Today my sweet baby girl turned 8 years old.  I guess I am not unlike any other parent, every year I am amazed that my child is as old as she is - it just seems like yesterday that she was born!  She is EIGHT and this is what my bright-eyed 8 year old has to look forward to this year:

*  Going to Summer Camp for the first time
*  Having her first "job" feeding a neighbors animals
*  Washing her hair all by herself...I know, but it's long!
*  Finally swimming from one side of the pool to the other
*  Playing Fast Pitch Pixie Softball for the first time
*  Grammy taking us to Disneyworld in November

Most of you know that we had to move heaven & earth to finally have a child and we are thankful every day for the miracle that God gave us and for all the joy that she gives us. 

I love you "Boo Boo", "Cheetah", "Pooh Bear", "Katybug".... ahem, I mean, Kaitlin, I forgot you are EIGHT now! 

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