Sunday, October 17, 2010

Garage Sale of the Decade

The last time I had a garage sale I was pregnant with Kaitlin 7.5 years ago.  I did really well making around $700.  After our house flooded last fall, in the process of cleaning our cabinets,etc. I started pricing and packing boxes for a garage sale.  I commandeered one corner of Billy's barn for my "stockpile."  Then I got sick & and my sale got postponed.  Now we need to store square bales (that's hay for your city slickers) in our barn, so I desperately needed to get the junkyard out of the barn.  Plus last week, Chad called & wants us to come to his graduate recital in NYC next March!  That takes dinero we don't have, so the g-sale became a priority.

My co-worker and sweet friend Connie offered up her garage in the city since a garage sale at my country home would only attract my 4 neighbors (3 of which are family members) and the occasional biker.  This began a process of sifting though boxes & cleaning off the 2" of dust, and cobwebs that form in a barn in a year's time and finding more sale worthy junk from my house, cleaning out every closet and cabinet in the house.  After a week of getting 4-5 hours of sleep at night, I was finally ready for the g-sale.

I took a 1/2 day of work Friday to set up and get tables & garment racks from work.  At 10 PM we finally finished - I say WE because I couldn't have set it up without Connie & Nancy's help...did I fail to mention that I had a cow trailer full of stuff.?!  No lie.  The g-sale started before dawn with our first shopper toting a flashlight! Can you imagine?!  We had lots of people and sold a lot, but not everything.  At 6pm Billy came to pick me up with the cow trailer and we packed it all up and headed to drop it off at WARM ministries in Waller, I was determined it was not coming home.  After a long week and a 15 hour day , I made $690.  Much needed, but that was the hardest I have worked for $$$ in awhile!  I came home & threw away the g-sale stickers I had left over, because I vowed not to do this again, but I will forget and repeat the insanity again in another 10 years!

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