Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The CATS Meow!!!!

(A month after the fact, but hey better late than never!)
I have wanted to go to see the musical Cats for YEARS, literally.  In fact, I refused to see it until I could see it on Broadway in New York.  Then as luck would have it, the longest running show on Broadway cancelled.  So I finally conceded to see it in Houston, it was the broadway touring company and I thought it would be the next best thing.  In the summer of 2005, I told Chad to help Billy pre-order us tickets for my birthday, that was all I wanted, but I wanted good seats if I was finally going to see it.  Then after he got orchestra seats, his lung collapsed on October 1st and he was hospitalized for the next three months.  On the week of the performance, I asked his doctor if there was any way he could go and he surprisingly said yes!  Then on the night of the performance, Billy had a reaction to a medicine and we could not go and we lost our money on the tickets. 

So with that said, it is obvious why I put CATS on my post cancer bucket list.  One morning a few months ago I was getting ready for work and; I saw that they were coming to Houston again!  I knew Kaitlin would like it because she likes anything with cats, lions, cheetah, etc.  Every time the commercial came on she would comment that she really wished we could go...so we did!  My mom and I surprised her and got tickets for her birthday present. 

It was everything I imagined it would be...the costumes were AMAZING! 

I'm pretty sure I was the only one there who teared up while waiting in line to get a program! I hate to harp on the subject, but if you do not have a bucket list...please make one.  It is so gratifying when you get to do something that you always wanted to do. Life is so much sweeter after cancer.

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